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Monday, May 25, 2009

The Tongue is Powerful

A vast majority of people do not understand the God within us. The God within our soul is the ability to create, to think, to destroy, to love, and to conquer our dreams. It's all within our reach however far we decide to reach for our destiny. The only one stopping you from sucess is yourself. There is no such thing as an excuse. Excuses are tools of incomptence that amount to nothing.

There is no such thing as as a problem, only solutions. Solutions to any obstacle that you need to overcome. When you speak, your soul listens and reacts to your tongue. You speak your universe into existance. God said let there be light: and there was light. In Gensis chapter 1, the third verse in the bible gives us the example of God speaking light into existence. Before it became an entity, he first spoke it.

If you want something, first speak it, then believe it, and it will become a part of your universe. Do not speak evil because an evil tongue will bring hardship to the planets in your universe. Biggie spoke of death in his songs right before he died. 2pac came out with a video with him being shot and killed right before he was murdered on the vegas strip. When you speak negative, negative things occur and when you speak positive, positive things occur. Whenever confronted with a negative thought, you have to override a negative thought with a positve thought in order to maintain a positive mindset. When people told Obama black men will never be able to run an organize presidential campaign, he said yes we can.
Whenever you speak you have to be conscious of the two options you possess: you can either speak life, or you can speak death. In proverbs chapter 18 verse 20 and 21 states, "A man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth: and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled. Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit therof."

And that is why the tongue is so powerful.....

mario strayhorn
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